Alarmali Nawaf

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ملفPDF كامل يحوي تعلّم طريقة الرسم بالفعل شامل ومهم للمحترفين وللمبتدأين

الرسام John Hagan

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Intro - Learning to look
1. aerial perspective -6 lessons
perspective - the basics
perspective - lets go outside
veils of atmosphere
sunrise and sunset
reverse sunset and night
clouds, mist and other veils
2. color - 2 lessons
color the hows and whys
color a different approach
3. looking harder - 3 lessons
painting waves[2]
shadows and transparency
4. light and shade - 4 lessons
backlight works its magic
side light and turning points
front light, and artist's light
cascading light and shade
5. drawing texture design-6 lessons
drawing and proportion [2][3]
pattern and texture
design and golden mean [2]
6. analysis -5 lessons
what to paint and why
analysis of 'girl with pearl earing'
depth of field
abstract and texture work
chaos and disorder
7. practical application -31 lessons
practical painting [2][3][4][5][6][7]
portraiture [2][3][4]
demo Alexander [2][3][4][5][6]
demo nude [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
framing and selling [2][3][4]
8. personal paintings used here
press [here] for giclee prints
advanced art lessons

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